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Доп.информация:Dangerous neuro technology is being used to hack, control, and torture innocent people around the world. This is a factual statement. You probably, or may not believe this right now, but my hope is by the conclusion of this lecture this evening you might be more convinced.

I want you to imagine a world where people sit behind computers with security clearances and listen to your most personal thoughts, spy on your most private moments, and actually control your mind and body.

This is not science fiction.

This is reality.



This video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzvIjmS6HEw) is to inform the public of electronic harassment, electromagnetic torture or psychotronic torture. Also know as gang stalking. The experiences of people who describe themselves as undergoing electronic harassment using esoteric technology, and who call themselves "Targeted Individuals" ("T.I.") vary, but include hearing voices in their heads calling them by name, often mocking them or others around them (voice to skull - frey effect) as well as physical sensations like burning. They have also described being under physical surveillance by one or more people. Many of these people act and function otherwise normally and included among them are people who are successful in their careers and lives otherwise, and who find these experiences confusing, upsetting, and sometimes shameful, but entirely real. Their are news stories, military journals and declassified national security documents to support these allegations. The New York Times estimated that there are more than 10,000 people who self-identify as targeted individuals in the US alone.

Press accounts have documented individuals who apparently believed they were victims of electronic harassment, and in some cases persuaded courts to agree. In 2008, James Walbert went to court claiming that his former business associate had threatened him with "jolts of radiation" after a disagreement, and later claimed feeling symptoms such as electric shock sensations, and hearing generated tones and other strange sounds in his ears. The court decided to issue an order banning "electronic means" to further harass Walbert.

Here is a list of patents:

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves – US Patent 3951134
Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.


Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effect – US Patent 6587729 B2
A modulation process with a fully suppressed carrier and input preprocessor filtering to produce an encoded output; for amplitude modulation (AM) and audio speech preprocessor filtering, intelligible subjective sound is produced when the encoded signal is demodulated using the RF Hearing Effect. Suitable forms of carrier suppressed modulation include single sideband (SSB) and carrier suppressed amplitude modulation (CSAM), with both sidebands present.



Allison Ireland on Neuroweapons - Targeted Individuals - Innocent American Civilians - V2K

Dr Robert Duncan MIT Presentation Preview Neuroweapons American Civilians Targeted Individuals


Dr Robert Duncan

Wired Magazine - Tortured Lives of Targeted Individuals

Wired Magazine - My Father Says Hes a Targeted Individual Maybe We All Are

Rolling Stone - How To Survive Americas Kill List

Chicago Sun Times - Are You Being Tracked? Burned By Lasers Maybe Your A Targeted Individual

Ground Breaking Bill Proposal

Targeted Justice

International Center For Abuse Against Covert Technologies

The Global Neuroethics Conference 2019: Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill Proposal – Targeted Individuals

Wordpress.com #targetedindividuals

Twitter.com #targetedindividuals

Twitter.com #Neuroweapons

William Shatner Exposes Voice of God Weapons on The History Channel - Targeted Individuals
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